Development of Personal Competencies

Our Services > Development of Personal Competencies

Training on the Development of Personal Competencies

Training on the development of personal competencies at Edu Plus focuses on enhancing the mental and social capabilities of individuals. This training teaches skills that support personal growth, including argumentation skills, communication skills, teamwork, behavior development, creative thinking, job search, public speaking, self-esteem, social competence, time management, the art of leadership, and more.

  • Managing Self and Leading Others: This course focuses on developing leadership skills that are necessary for leading and managing teams, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

  • Social Skills in the Workplace: This course teaches individuals how to effectively communicate, collaborate, and build relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders in a professional setting.

  • The Power of Positive Attitude: This course emphasizes the importance of having a positive mindset and teaches techniques for overcoming negative thinking and attitudes.

  • Business Etiquette and Protocol: This course covers the fundamentals of professional behavior in the workplace, including communication, dress code, business manners, and cultural sensitivity.

  • Managing Multiple Tasks: This course teaches individuals how to manage their time and priorities effectively, set goals, and prioritize tasks to increase productivity.

  • Conflict Resolution and Adaptability: This course focuses on developing skills for resolving conflicts and adapting to change in the workplace.

  • Win-Win Negotiation Skills: This course teaches individuals how to negotiate effectively and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

  • Learning through Adaptability: This course teaches individuals how to embrace change, learn new skills, and adapt to new situations in the workplace.

  • Presentation Design and Delivery: This course teaches individuals how to design and deliver effective presentations, including visual aids, storytelling, and public speaking techniques.

  • Time Management and Stress Control: This course focuses on developing skills for managing time and reducing stress in the workplace.

  • Developing an Accountability Mindset: This course emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and teaches techniques for holding oneself and others accountable.

  • Interpersonal Communication Skills: This course teaches individuals how to communicate effectively with others, including active listening, empathy, and feedback.

  • High Performance Teams: This course covers the principles of teamwork and teaches individuals how to build and manage high-performance teams.

  • Happiness: Sustaining a Motivating Work Culture: This course teaches individuals how to create a positive work environment and sustain motivation and engagement among employees.

  • Negotiating for Success: This course focuses on developing negotiation skills that are essential for achieving success in the workplace.

  • Personal Productivity Improvement Skills: This course covers techniques for improving personal productivity and achieving goals.

  • Advanced Communication Skills: This course teaches advanced communication techniques, including persuasion, negotiation, and conflict resolution.

  • Non-Verbal Communications Skills: This course focuses on developing non-verbal communication skills, including body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions.

  • Human Behavior Analysis: This course teaches individuals how to analyze human behavior and understand the psychology behind decision-making and motivation.

  • Critical Thinking: This course covers the principles of critical thinking and teaches individuals how to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions.

  • Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making: This course teaches individuals how to think creatively, generate new ideas, and make effective decisions.

Overall, training on the development of personal competencies provides individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to achieve personal and professional growth. Through these courses, individuals can develop a wide range of skills that are essential for success in today's fast-paced and competitive business environment.

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of completion which is a valuable addition to their CV or resume. These courses provide essential skills and competencies that are highly valued by employers, making them an excellent investment for anyone looking to enhance their personal and professional development.

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