Testing Services

Our Services > Testing Services

At EduPlus, thousands of people take different exams each year to make their life path stable and professional. Your colleagues, friends, teachers, managers, doctors and employees have already taken specific exams to become confidant, qualified and certified in the world of business. Now it’s your turn to choose the exam that suits you the best.

Additionally, many high school students and undergraduate students take English proficiency tests at our center in order to complete their further studies either in local universities or abroad. At EduPlus, you have a chance to pass your official TOEFL iBT® test and make your dreams come true.

EduPlus is a test centre for a variety of other international tests. Our staff are responsible for administering exams, proctoring, and ensuring that they are conducted in a fair and unbiased manner. We monitor the testing process and ensure that the rules and regulations of the exam are followed. Our testing venues provide accommodations to meet the needs of all candidates. Scheduling and registering for exams can be done through the official website of the test. Candidates are responsible for bringing an acceptable form of valid identification each time you report to our test center.

Find out which test is best for your academic/professional field to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and commitment. All tests will be delivered online in our test centre.